Not all riders are experienced, in fact this is an activity many people will choose when on vacation who have never ridden a horse before. Others ride once a year, or on a few occasions in a year and then there are the regular riders who ride at their local riding schools every week. Experienced riders and Pony Club members are well aware of what to look for when choosing where to ride and checking that the equipment and horse tack is safe.

A good rider has the ability to use their hands, arms, legs and lower back independently in specific movement patterns, with sitting upright on a moving horse.

You will start by walking and trotting your horse over poles on the ground, and get used to the feel of ‘going over’ something in the jumping position. Riding in both directions, you will learn to control the speed of your horse while you ride round corners and through the poles.

Many people would love to be able to take up horse riding in london lessons but the other commitments in their life are already too time consuming. However having horse lessons shouldn’t be seen as a chore, it’s actually something which can be very enjoyable.

Another famous horse-riding game is steer wrestling. This is a bizarre version of bull fighting. In steer wrestling, the rider mounts the horse and chases the steer (a bull with long and sharp horns). On catching up with the steer, the rider has to jump off from the horse and wrestles with the steer by holding on to its horns. This event is highly risky since there are high chances of injury to the rider. Also, the animal rights community has raised its voice against the cruelty meted out to animals in this event.

Emergency and first aid kit, if something was to happen make sure you have some first aid kit with you, for both you and the horse. Also phone numbers, not just your doctors, but also the veterinarian’s.

Do not lose your head when it comes to buying a horse. This is the first horse riding lesson everyone should learn! Think things through and get it all in writing!

know more about horse riding in london here.