What’s in a name? Not long ago, choosing a law firm name was easy. Take your name, stick “Law Offices of” at the beginning, and voila – you’re in business. But nowadays, with the legal market saturated as it is, you might want to think twice before going with the old standby. Your name says a lot about your firm. It is the first thing that people see when they find you, whether it’s on the internet, in the phone book or walking by your door. So why not take the time to make a good first impression?

R. A. Mann and B. S. Roberts’s Smith and Roberson’s business law is more appropriate for academic purposes. If you are a college student who wants to gain a strong understanding of this subject, then this is the book for you. The good thing about this book is that it is regularly updated. It’s the perfect book for law students or students who are taking business law classes. Another book that is suitable for college students is Cengage Advantage Books: tvister: Text and Exercises by R. L. Miller and W. E. Hollowel. The book is clearly written and is very concise; it uses the least complicated ways possible to explain a very complex topic. This will be the right book for those who have been facing difficulties in understanding most of the ideas that are written in thick, complicated textbooks.

Using Chris Andersons Long Tail approach, when the attorney picks a couple of niches to focus on, we are then able to create a four or more keyword ad that only costs $1 or $2 per click. We also create a website that highlights those keywords. Instead of 400-500 clicks a day at $8 or more per click where only one person calls the office, we are now getting 4-5 clicks a day at an average of $1.47 a click and getting the same one person calling the office. The secondary benefit of this is the attorney becomes much better at that specific niche of the law. When we pick two or three niches to advertise, if we find one to be a low performer, it can go away and another put in it’s place.

The long tail theory applies to smaller businesses and Internet marketing in a very direct way. Successful Internet marketing only happens when you know exactly how people are looking for you. The search engines are smart, but if they were perfect, they would match the right website to the right person every time and Internet advertising would die along with their key source of revenue (and mine).

Before you take action – whether it’s picking up the phone, replying to an email, or writing up a client report – stop for just half a minute. Take a couple of slow breaths, close your eyes, put your hand on your heart and ask yourself if now is the best time.

Example 2: When I was told that if I wanted to write my book I should get myself someone who would hold me accountable. The next day I asked a woman that I worked with if she would agree to be my watchdog and hold me to my writing schedule. It worked. I did not want to show up each Monday without my completed assignment so I was compelled to do my writing. The result was a finished novel.

One of the most popular books on this subject is R. L. Miller and G. A. Jentz’s Business Law Today. Many readers agree that this book provides cases that are relevant to the issues that many businessmen of today face when starting or running their businesses. This book illustrates the topic in the most interesting way possible and it does not have any unnecessary information, avoiding any possible confusion over a certain area of business law. This book is a good reference book even if you are not an academic or a student.